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What Real Clients Had to Say About EMDR

Please note that due to the sensitive nature, all testimonials are anonymous.

Allison Crandall LCSW.png
"EMDR helped me immensely to overcome my deep-seated childhood trauma. So many aspects of trauma may be recognizable but not accessible until you reprocess them. Even when you identify as a high functioning person, trauma affects you in every aspect of your life, especially interpersonal relationships. EMDR assisted me in letting go, which was the most beneficial. I had trouble letting go of things and being willing to forgive. EMDR helped me in big and small ways, such as encouraging me to be more confident in asserting my boundaries as well as wanting to make effort with family members. I not only felt clear headed after the process but a sense of peace; I made peace with my younger self and that is one of the most rewarding feelings."
"Before EMDR therapy, I had trouble sleeping, a debilitating fear of the dentist, and other triggers that I was really struggling with coping with. Fear, anger, and anxiousness were regular emotions in my day to day. After EMDR with Allison, I've been able to take my life back. EMDR has made a huge impact in how i can cope and handle myself on a daily basis, and I can live my life without fear of being triggered in public places. I am able to fall asleep at night and I can visit the dentist and know that I can handle anything that may come up during that visit. I can live again."
"EMDR has helped me in several ways. I have had a lot of traumas in my life due to my drug addiction. EMDR has helped me realize that I am not that terrible human being that I thought I was. It has given me hope that I can indeed succeed and become that functioning adult I used to be. It specifically addressed some of the worst things that have happened to me or that I have done. It makes me feel safe when I think of those creeping negative thoughts. Ms. Crandall has stuck with me through thick and thin. She has stuck by my side when times have been the most challenging in my life, and will do the same for you!"
"This past EMDR session was really powerful for me. I've felt so confident since then and anytime I started doubting myself, I just think of our statement, "I am enough and I am trying my best", and it helps me feel a lot more confident and doubt myself less!"
"EMDR has made me feel better about everyday living. I feel like I am not judging myself as harshly or feeling so alone, even with so many stressors going on in my life. I have been through a lot but I am no longer triggered by it."
"Finding Allison was like winning the lottery! I’ve struggled with childhood trauma, sexual assault, loss of loved ones, etc. The experiences I’ve been through caused me to be anxious, depressed, and flat out angry. I had no clue how to deal with it, so I turned to drinking and other harmful vices. Then one day I was lucky enough to meet Allison. She helped me in so many different ways; the main being EMDR. With this technique, Allison helped me overcome so much. I don’t rely on alcohol when I’m down, I don’t lose it when I’m angry, and I don’t get anxious or tense when a bad memory passes by. I have my moments, but I have far better coping mechanisms that she showed me. I’m so much happier and healthier and I would have never thought I could get to this place. She would tell me this was all me; I definitely put in the work, but I could never have done it without her by my side. I am truly grateful."
"I went to the dentist and my anxiety was fine! They didn't give me any gas or anything, just shots in my mouth and cracked a tooth and pulled it out. I felt all of it and I am doing ok, thanks to our work in EMDR on processing this phobia."
"I have had many traumas in my life and was unable to process them. Now thanks to EMDR, I was able to process my traumas and look at them through a new lens. I am now able to deal with it in a healthy way. I was afraid of trying something new, but Allison spoke out all my concerns and guided me through the entire process and I am so happy I did EMDR. I would highly recommend EMDR, especially with a professional like Allison!"
"I used to be extremely afraid of using escalators and would always avoid them. After reprocessing my phobia with EMDR, I was able to get on an escalator for the first time without any anxiety or hesitation!"
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